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In Love With
Black Monochrome


Simone Kaltenegger is a Berlin-based, self-taught abstract artist. She works primarily with acrylics, incorporating spray paint, oil pastel and soft pastel. The focus is on the color black, but for the street notes series she also uses vibrant colors. Her paintings are dark but not gloomy, minimalist and mystical.

In contrast to the very planned development process in fashion, Kaltenegger worked before, she loves to paint very intuitively, guided by the painting process and existing emotions. She experiments with different techniques, plays with writing and graphic elements and often comes back to a very abstract representation of the figurative. She finds inspiration in the post-vandalism on Berlin’s streets, on crumbling and tagged facades and in the club culture.


At the moment the website is under construction. To see a larger selection of my paintings visit my Instagram channel.

For more Information, purchase inquiries, commissioned work or exhibition inquiries feel free to contact me. Prices on request.